Isobel 5th April 2022

Any of my Caro memories are going to be very badly told - mainly because my memory is awful and normally I would vaguely remember something funny and Caro would fill in all the details and her retelling would make me laugh even harder then when it actually happened. She did promise me and Sophie she would digitally download her memory for when we’re senile once, bet she bloody didn’t get round to it! 👵🏻📞👵🏻 A LOT of things will always remind me of Caro. She had that habit of making something pretty niche be hilarious for years. Any item of clothing with an unexpected pocket (LOVED a poche), melon (sorry for after however many years I always forgot she hated it and would regularly buy her some instead of pineapple on a Asda run) Marky Mark, port salut, leggings (so many leggings!), ponchos and of course Eurovision 🕺🏼🇪🇺 (should have been her mastermind subject). My little girls still cuddle up with the AMAZING patch work blanket she made them. And my husband would save the fancy lemon squeezer she bought us a house warming present in a fire. She had so much too her and she touched so many people. One thing I will NEVER forget is that cackle- I’ve got a 1000 memories of her laugh and I’m so glad that she was a part of my life. Love you Caro, always will xx