Caro was always a very patient and kind person. She's my oldest friend and the one I have the earliest memories of. For what felt like years, we'd play Monopoly each Saturday (interspersed with yet another viewing of the Terminator). Caro knew that I'd sneak extra 100 and 500 notes - my money pile grew to 4x the size of her one - when she'd briefly leave the front room. I think she might have left to allow me the time to do it, and I never remember her banishing me for embezzlement. Either on the same days as Monopoly or different days, we'd watch the Terminator. Again. It was my favourite film at the time. Pretty sure it wasn't Caro's. And, the video was recorded from the BBC so was edited / dubbed for language ("you're terminated, f."). I'm not quite sure what this thought is trying to achieve. I suppose it's to say that I have so many fond memories of Caro from an early age - this is just the one that jumped out when I started to write. That she was very understanding of my bad Monopoly habits and obsessive Terminator viewing, and that she was a kind and warm person that will be deeply missed by so many people for different reasons.